Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Shred update and dinner

Here is the halibut makeover--I found a great recipe on "Simply Recipes" and followed it exactly. We both really liked it! I actually think the halibut cakes ARE better than crab cakes. The sauce is a horseradish sauce and it rocked. I used leftover broccoli from last night, added it to the rice cooker (brown rice) with a bit of cheddar cheese, made garlic bread from the last bit of the artisan bread that Jeff bought last night-DINNER!! I cannotfigure out the best setting on my camera to photograph this--JO HELP!! But here is my first food post.

I came right home from work and did the 30 day shred. A bit easier today although the phone just keeps ringing!! It is like the world knows I am trying to workout for 20 minutes at 5:15 pm. Jillian is very clear "don't phone this in" and I try not to....but what does that mean???? If I am not ripped with abs of steel by February I will be *issed!!!
Oh to be an old gal in the 2010's.....thank goodness I have children!!!!


  1. HOLY yuM!!!! those look so so so good! now i want one and unfortunately...will probably not get one until two months or so from now:( the sauce looks so lovely, i think its odd you haven't been posting pics of all your meals your whole life, it just seems so you!:) the pictures look pretty good, it looks like a nice warm little house with good food and wine! good job on the shredding! XOXO

  2. marg, they look good to me! i usually turn my flash off, and just get close.. and in a well lit area. dinner pictures kind of suck cause its usually dark by then. hell in alaska its dark at every meal! ;)

  3. Thanks Steph-wish you could have been home for dinner last night-I think you would have really liked the halibut cakes!
    Jo-I really need to just get my camera book out and see HOW to shut my flash off. I remember you telling Steph that the pictures are better without it. I've only had the camera 5 years...maybe I should figure out how to use the darn thing! Although, according to Jeffrey I am supposed to be getting a new Nikon....

  4. that would be lovely!! i was also going to mention, when you're posting like for the recipe or whatever on all recipes, you can highlight that word or words and then on the post toolbar, click insert link, then put the address from the site and that way people can click on it to see which recipe you were talking about. that way you dont have to put it up and all that!! werent sure if you knew that or not..might come in handy from time to time.
