Ahhh, another cookbook on the way from Amazon!! Again, the debate--another diet book OR another cookbook. The cookbook WON out- I can't wait for it to arrive on the homefront. Although I have realized that I rarely cook out of cookbooks. I almost always get recipes online, looking for specific items that I have on hand. I sit and LOOK at cookbooks for hours on end though so what the heck-cheap entertainment.

This recipe that I used tonight was from an online source but it is a Moosewood Recipe so.....maybe on some cosmic level this all makes sense....The only change I made to the original recipe was to add the Kale which added color and flavor. What really made this recipe rock was the homemade tortilla shells. I know I have talked about them before but you will NEVER eat another store bought shell again once you make your own. These are the easiest things in the world to make and they are amazing. I made a couple extra and then just fried them with some PAM and a little cheese in the middle. NUMMMO!
Sweet potatoes from Thursday's CSA box
I cubed the potatoes and boiled them until they got soft enough to mash up

auteed shallots, garlic with a bit of chicken broth,green chilies, wine and black beans. I threw the kale in a pot of boiling water for a minute or two just to soften it up a bit.
I rolled out the tortilla shells, cooked them, and then filled them. I did top the finished product with a bit of cheese and salsa.
The finished product!! EXCELLENT (even if I do say so myself)
An old guy and his food-not to mention his WINE!! He looks pretty happy-in a simple minded, sort of way!And so my weekend is winding down. Aside from the HUGE pile of laundry I am supposed to be doing (yes, I am blogging instead of washing) I have a pretty open evening ahead of me. Sam and Charlie should be driving home from Anchorage about now. I BETTER have an ARBY's heading my way or heads are gonna roll!! Charlotte is very good about forgetting these small requests of mine (I think this is because she is not as motivated by food as I am) Steph on the other hand would NEVER forget the Arby's --she would know that my day has been filled with visions of roast beef, topped with horseradish sauce!
But, for now I will make chopped salad for dinner. I have never made it before but it sounds quite intriguing...
The directions are as follows:
All veggies must be the same size, use as many colored veggies as you can find, throw together. There should be plenty of fresh herbs and the dressing must be homemade and use Fancy vinegars such as champagne vinegar (YES--I did make this part up but I do have this vinegar on hand!)
Here is what I will be using:
purple cabbage
romaine lettuce
feta cheese
hard boiled eggs
red pepper
green onion
and anything else I can find. I will post pictures but now I must go and make some chocolate chip cookies and turn my new Norah Jones CD back on play!! Puppies are snoozing, the fire is crackling and that laundry is just NOT washing itself!!