Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So, after much agonizing over what to do with the rest of her life my Stephie has a plan! She worried about what this year would bring, whether she should graduate or not, would she go away for the summer to Europe, take classes....there were just so many options!! But--she is moving to ATLANTA!! This has worked out so well that it can only be viewed as a "God Thing" as we could not have planned it nearly this well on our own. She has an apartment lined up and a job. We are so proud of her!!

My only complaint is that I will be living in Fairbanks...not in Atlanta! I love the South...I love the food, the humidity, the flowers--the only thing I don't love is the bugs. But I don't like Moose either and I live in Fairbanks. Seems kinda the same. Can't wait to see her walk in her graduation and see her go to her first day of work...gonna be awesome!!

Now, if I can only get the other daughter convinced that we will need to go down at least one other time this summer to visit. I really must go and visit the WATERPARK!!! Maybe I can convince the whole fam damily to go!!! I just love having the husband and the kids at a waterpark(although we have never been able to convince Jeff that sunscreen IS his friend!)

Cheers to a plan, a purpose and a summer in ATLANTA!!!

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