Friday, February 12, 2010

Soil Block Makers-Very Cool!

So, daughters--I know that this will not be cool to you but I am so EXCITED!! I just ordered two sizes of these soil block makers and now I cannot wait for them to come in! When I was out at Calypso Farms this summer I noticed that this is what they used for seed starting. I use flats for really small seeds but use peat pellets (the expandable kind) for seeds that I don't want to transplant or disturb the roots. If these work they would be soooo much cheaper and face it---just way cooler! You plant the seed-it never gets root bound (according to the sales pitch-which I have fallen for hook, line and sinker!) AND you can put the really small ones directly into the larger one for an instant transplant!!!! Just doesn't get easier than that.

The only problem MAY be getting the soil mixture right. There is much discussion and disagreement among the seed starting population online. Some say if it isn't perfect-flat out won't work. They crumble, become mud and you are just S.O.L. But, others rave about the savings, the health of the starts and the fact that it is just....alot of fricken fun to make these things.

I like dirt-although I have to make these in my kitchen which will make the husband/father quite unhappy. He doesn't really get the whole thing but he is a good sport. Which is why he is making me a seed starting shelf this weekend!!! Gone are the six foot tables with lights supported by stacks of cookbooks (adding or removing books as fast as the little green shoots can grow). Although....with as many seed packets as I have ordered, bought at Fred's, picked up at Holm Town, I think I may need the tables AND another shelf!!

1 comment:

  1. sounds pretty cool momma! looks like you are ready for summer:) miss you lots<3
