Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Newest Food book...because I just don't have enough

If you were to look at my wall of books, the books on the shelves in the kitchen, in my bedside table and stashed under my bed you would see a common element....murder and food. With a small push of a button my Kindle wakens and sure enough.....same thing, food and murder, murder and food.

The murder is strictly for entertainment (nothing like a good mystery!!) but the food books are ...complicated. I have ALWAYS loved cookbooks and I mean REALLY LOVE cookbooks. I don't even need pictures, just lists of ingredients and I am pretty much enthralled. But, along with the cookbooks there are many, many, MANY diet books! I've got them all and although they all seem to say the same thing (pretty much-eat less, move more) I just can't seem to walk away from the newest diet book.

This probably is why I have been an online Weight Watcher subscriber for YEARS. Now, this has made perfect sense because otherwise I would be VERY FAT.....or....would I??? So, this last year I decided to quit paying monthly for something that I never use. Yup, I subscribe but I wouldn't really want to list everything I ate...for Heaven's sake...that would never work!

Conclusion: Having spent $16.99 a month for at least 5 years (I paid the monthly fee before that for meetings that I never went to) I weigh exactly what I weighed 5 years ago-10 years ago for that matter. This amounts to $4,417.40. Good Lord-I guess I am a slow learner!!

Back to Michael Pollen--Food Rules. I have read his other books and enjoyed a point. I don't like to have to think to hard and this little book is the ANSWER!! It is just a little handbook to give you the lowdown on healthy eating in America 2010.

The whole book can be summed up in these words: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

If your Grandma wouldn't recognize it as food..chances are it isn't really food.

Could it really be so simple?? What about eating for my body type, mastering my metabolism, cleaneating, southbeach dieting, weightwatchering.....could it really BE??

Tonight when I clean my cupboards throwing away all the items that have more than 5 ingredients, have ingredients that are unpronounceable or have just way too much sugar...I may miss the good old days when I could eat 20 points...of Oreos!!


  1. FinaLLy! a post from marg:D I have been waiting...are you throwing out books or just ingredients?? don't throw out too many cookbooks or diet books because i know a girl who is soon to be on her own and needing to learn to cook!:) $4,000 on WW??? Damn we could have been on a cruise through the mediterranean and back!!! Why is life and weight so hard....maybe just because we love food so much!! I will be excited to hear how you are liking this new book, and i'm having a thought....maybe we need to learn how to make those home-made oreos with reAL ingredients so we can just eat a butt-load and not feel bad at all!:D

  2. Hi there :)
    I just wanted you to know that i love reading you blog and Stephie is so lucky to have you as her mama :)

  3. Hello??? I've seen your photos and your aren't fat so you should just find something else to obsess about. I'm fat and I don't let it bother me! LOL Life is short, enjoy food and buy bigger shorts (a motto to live by! :)

    You make me happy and I've given you an award if you'd like to stop by and pick it up.

  4. Oh...yummmm...It's a good thing I was chowing on a salad when I started reading your blog...or I'd be STARVING. Your dishes look sooooooo good...:)

  5. Gayle and Stace,

    You are both too kind! I really wish I could figure out how to take better photos. I have a nice camera but I am less than skilled at getting good shots.
    Thanks again!!

  6. The award: 1) you can do nothing or 2) you can copy, save and load to your page and brag or 3) you can do #2 and list 10 things that make you happy or 4) you can do #2 and #3 and list ten blogs that make you happy (and then let them know). Some people do the whole thing (like I did) and some just ignore the award. Whatever floats your boat. :)
