Saturday, January 30, 2010

I downloaded a sample of this yesterday afternoon onto my kindle and read it last night. This is sooo funny!!! It reads kinda like Ozzy talks but a bit more coherent. Lots of "f" words thrown in but a good read non-the-less. I am only into his childhood escapades so it may get a bit more .... interesting as I click through the pages. I just bought the full version so my reading will commence later this evening. But now-responsibility beckons...

In the words of my new buddy......"SSSHHARROOONNNN.......where the F*** are my puppies!" Better go...


  1. Interesting book selection...I bet it has you laughing out loud.

  2. It is hysterical...except for the slaughter house story--I had to skip through that. Hopefully, there won't be too much stuff that makes me shut my eyes!!
