Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Here is the plan....

So after pondering what my exercise plan of attack should be for 2010 I have decided to try the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. The goal will be to do the workout everyday for 20 minutes, increasing the difficulty in increments. I do love the treadmill and walking but sadly, I just don't work very hard at these things.

BUT--after reading a bloggers update after training for a marathon I was quite encouraged to try Jillian. According to this blogger she had better muscle tone after doing the 30 day shred (for 30 days) than after a few months of training for a marathon. The difficulty for me will be ACTUALLY doing it for 30 days in a row. If any of my loyal readers (by that I mean daughters as I have no readers!) wanted to do this with me I would be quite pleased. Charlotte, you may be able to check it out at the library--good excuse to head over there!!!

I have a meeting with Jeff and then he is buying me lunch-that is quite exciting for me as I am afraid we are having leftover halibut for dinner. I pan fried a steak yesterday following the Pioneer Womans directions and it was quite lovely! Dare I say....almost better than bbq'd!!

It has warmed up a bit and is now only -27. Thank goodness for Lulu's Coffee and gardening books!!


  1. marg, i am a reader! fret none, not just your daughters read your blog!

  2. Jo--you have to put your little picture on here so I have another "follower"!!!

  3. "fret not!" haha!:D i am thinking you are going to be looking pretty buff by the time i am home for break!! i love your little quote too, very cute<3

  4. Thanks baby!! I liked the quote too! DId Grandma send you the email it was from? Very touching.

  5. Margo, in the great words of your daughter Stephanie "Oh girl..." I am so following your blog. I love seeing what you have whipped up and hearing of your life in the great state Alaska.
