Thursday, January 7, 2010

So this obviously did not go so well as it has been a VERY long time since I put something on here. I can't really even remember how to do it. So here goes.....

I find myself at a very interesting point in my life, the phase known as the "empty nest" syndrome. With my youngest daughter's wedding this past weekend and with the sight of her tail lights departing down the driveway I am truly this in fact the first day of the rest of my life or what it feels like...the end of the best years of my life???

So, like the modern woman I have convinced myself that I am, I will face this the only way I know how....I will raise a new "baby" by creating a blog! I have so many "friends" that I have never met and will NEVER meet and yet I fill my day by checking up on them-copying their breakfast menus, their exercise routines and drooling over their full wine glasses and beautiful salads. What a strange new world we live in but I am jumping in.


  1. hello mama-what a cute blog:) DefINitely NOt the end of the best years of your life!! good things are in store i am sure! i will be following you so you betta' not wait as long to post as you did this time!:D XOXO
