Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday night--no exercise AND CHOCOLATE

I drove home from work knowing full well that I was not going to "shred" (Jillian Michael) or walk on my treadmill while watching Medium Season 1 on a netflix disk...NO!! I was going home, hanging with puppies and EATING CHOCOLATE!! And...this chocolate would not be just any would be Nestle Semi-sweet chocolate chips!! This is my food of choice and has been since I can remember. I thought I was "off" chips but it came on me today-in full force! Blaise (the sonship) asked to borrow the truck at lunch. Said he needed to go to the "grocery store"...I knew what this meant...He was heading to the crack...oops, I mean "chocolate" store! I handed him the three bucks needed to score and................AHHHH, Heaven!

Oh, dinner...not that interesting. Tofu, cabbage, carrots, onions, and soba noodles. A few chow mein noodles sprinkled on the top....hmm, not like the high from the chocolate but it will do!


  1. the...crack store!! wow momma!:D make some bran muffins with some chips and berries-yummy! and i think your dinner looks gooood! i've never liked those crunchy noodles bUT that cabbage and carrots and soft noodles look delish! xoxo love you

  2. I hadn't had those hard noodles in years but had Dad grab some about a week ago. LOVE THEM! Although, once these are gone I probably won't buy any more for another 15 years or so!!
