Monday, January 18, 2010

This POST'S for you Steph!

So, I made split pea soup for my lunches this week and cookies to send in your box. Here are pictures of what my afternoon entailed--after the movie of course!!

Here if the finished product--very good!

and then the cookies......

This is Stephanie's favorite phase....


The Finished product!
Your box should be in the mail on Wednesday~~


  1. that dough looks soooo good! i want some right now! can't wait to get the cookies, along with the other exciting things in the package:) i am wanting to make some peasant soup in madi's little baby i just need beans and cabbage? she says it only makes like one bowl of soup which is too bad but i love that soup! good night! love you<3

  2. YOu would need a little chicken bullion also. I can send you the actual recipe and you can make adjustments. I can't believe how big the spaces are on this post....I got a little frustrated with the darn thing.

  3. So for some reason as a follower it first made me Sam and then I was finally able to get it as Charlotte... so that is why there are two of the same picture.
